Tricks To Improve Blog Ranking in Search Results

Tricks To Improve Blog Ranking in Search Results

Hello friends, today we have Ankit from as a guest author. He has shared a lot of Blogger Tricks on his blog to improve blog traffic, readership, blog followers, social share counts, blog optimization and many more. And today he is here with an amazing and unique trick to improve blog ranking in search engines. Using this trick, you’ll be able to get following benefits.

Better Position in Search Results

High Organic Traffic

High Google Page Rank

Royal Readers and many more.

I know that you are waiting to know this wonderful trick. So, let's hear from Ankit that how to apply this trick on our blog.

I know that you are waiting to know this wonderful trick. So, let's hear from Ankit that how to apply this trick on our blog.

How to Improve Ranking in Blogger?

Hi Bloggers, I am Ankit here with a trick to improve blog ranking. Below are some easy steps that you have to follow for today’s tutorial.

You need a HTML sitemap page or Table of Contents page to get this trick in work. If you already have one in your blog then you have done half of the job but if you don't have one then I  strongly recommend you to create it first.

In previous post at this blog, Dhiraj Barnwal (Admin of this blog) shared two amazing Table of Contents widget for bloggers. You can choose any one for your blog which you like most. Read below tutorial for the instructions to add table of contents page in your blog.
So, now you are ready with your Table of Contents page. Let see how to use this page to get ranking in search results.

As a blogger, you must know that we should not create too many backlinks for our homepage. Number of backlinks to inner pages must be thrice than homepage to be safe from over SEO penalties.

That's why we need a Table of Contents page. We have to create backlinks to this page that will help our entire blog to get better ranking in search engines. 
You may be thinking that how building backlinks for Sitemap page can give benefits to our entire blog. Well I have listed all the points below that will clear your doubts.

  • Sitemap page contains links of all of our blog posts, and if we build backlinks to it then our blog indexing rate will improve.

  • It'll flow the Page rank juice to all of the posts that will help them to get better rankings in search results.

  • Building backlinks to Table of contents page will create a SEO friendly landing page for readers.

  • Improves blog bounce rate because readers have to click on links to read the posts.

  • and many more.

Best SEO Practices for Blogger Blogs

Best SEO Practices for Blogger Blogs 

We all know about WordPress. It is just another alternative for blogger but it has one thing which blogger blogs lack. They are Plugins. WordPress has a wide range on plugin which you can use in your blog. There are different types of SEO Plugins available for WordPress such as - Yoast SEO, All in One SEO etc. Blogger does not supports these plugins and you have to do all the SEO work manually. You may hire someone but this could be costly. So below are few tips on how you can make your Blogger blog more visible to search engines.

Adding Meta Tag in Header

Go to Blog Title → Template → Edit HTML and add the below code just after the tag <head>

<meta content='Your site description' name='description'/>
<meta content='Your site Keywords' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='Your Name' name='author'/>
<meta content='' name='Email'/>
<meta content='global' name='distribution'/>
<meta content='document' name='resource-type'/>
<meta content='all' name='audience'/>
<meta content='general' name='rating'/>
<meta content='all' name='robots'/>
<meta content='en' name='language'/>
<meta content='EN' name='country'/>
<meta content='blogger' name='generator'/>
<meta content='Your Name' name='owner'/>
<meta content='(c) 2013 Blog name' name='copyright'/>

After adding the above code edit it with your desired settings.

Adding Alt and Title tag to all images

Optimizing blog images are really important for SEO and for that one should add Alt and Title tag to every image of its blog. The following can be done by Clicking the image in post editor, click on properties and adding the needed text.

Customizing Permalink of your post

You can also customize the permalink that is URL of your blog post. For customizing the permalink of the post you have to click on Permalink tab under Post Settings and do the desired changes.
Tip : Remove slugs like in, on, to, for etc. You must be inquisitive to know why don't I do these changes well you will get the answer in the last line of this post.

Adding blog to different Search Engines

So that search engines can crawl your blog, it is very important to add your blog on different search engines. Below is a list of some popular search engines where you can submit your blogs URL.

AlltheWeb Submit at
AltaVista Submit at
AOL Search Submit via Google ( Does not accept site submissions.
Best of the Web Paid submittal at
Bing Submit at
Gigablast Submit at
JoeAnt Submit at
Open Directory Go to appropriate category page and click Suggest URL.
Starting Point Paid submittal at
Wikia Search Click the Add button on any relevant search results page.

 Other Factors

There are many other factors on which your blog's SEO depends they are - Blog Speed, Originality of the content, Keyword research, Backlinks, SEO optimized template etc.

SEO is a very important factor for your blogs productivity so one should surely pay attention to it. Last but not the least I just want to say that never over-optimize your blog.
Write for your readers, not for the search engines.

How to add Custom Text Ads Box like Adsense

How to add Custom Text Ads Box like Adsense 


 Many of you may have seen Google Adsense text ads in other or your blog. Today I will show you how you can add Text Ads Box widget to your blogger blog. In this widget you can edit everything i.e. the colors, Title text, Description, Ads provider etc. etc. If you sell text links on your blog this widget may be quite helpful for you.

The live demo of this widget can be seen by clicking the below button and looking at the right sidebar of the opened page.

Adding the Widget

Go to Blog Title → Layout → Add Widget → HTML/JavaScript. Paste the below code in the box
#ads_ppc {text-align: left; width:280px; height:300px; padding:5px; margin:0px;border:1px solid #1a4d86}
<div id='ads_ppc'>
<a style="text-decoration: underline; padding: 15; font-size: 12px; color:blue;" href="" target="_blank" title="YourTitle"><strong>Big Link Name</strong></a><br />
<span style="font:11px verdana;">YOUR DESCRIPTION HERE</span><br />
<a style="font-size: 9px;color:#b0130d;" href="" target="_blank" title="Link Title">Small Link Name</a><br/><br/>

<a style="text-decoration: underline; padding: 15; font-size: 12px; color:blue;" href="" target="_blank" title="YourTitle"><strong>Big Link Name</strong></a><br />
<span style="font:11px verdana;">YOUR DESCRIPTION HERE</span><br />
<a style="font-size: 9px;color:#b0130d;" href="" target="_blank" title="Link Title">Small Link Name</a><br/><br/>

<a style="text-decoration: underline; padding: 15; font-size: 12px; color:blue;" href="" target="_blank" title="YourTitle"><strong>Big Link Name</strong></a><br />
<span style="font:11px verdana;">YOUR DESCRIPTION HERE</span><br />
<a style="font-size: 9px;color:#b0130d;" href="" target="_blank" title="Link Title">Small Link Name</a><br/><br/>

<a style="text-decoration: none; padding: 15; font-size: 12px; float: right;color:#b0130d;" href="" target="_blank" title="Creators Link"><small>Ads by ABT</small></a><br />

Change the numbers in red to meet your requirements. Change other things like Link, Title, Link Name etc. with your desired text. 
Save the Widget and Save the Template.

Your are done now. Now you and your visitors can see this custom text ads widget in your blog.

How to make your blogger blog more SEO Friendly

How to make your blogger blog more SEO Friendly 

EO (Search Engine Optimization) is the base of every blog, without it one can't call his blog a commercial/professional one. The ranking of your blog in Google largely depends on SEO and we all know better the ranking in Google, more the traffic we get. So one should make every possible effort to make his blog more SEO Friendly. But how do I do it ? SEO is a vast topic. There are thousands of ways for improving your blog's SEO. Such as adding Meta Tags, Keeping the right number of characters in the post title, adding alt tags to all images and many other things.

Today I will show you how you can -

1. Make all the external links open in new tab 
This will reduce your bounce rate, increase the no. of pageviews on your blog and your blog traffic will not be transferred just because of one single link.

2. Make all the external links nofollow
By default all links are dofollow that means Google can crawl them and hence much of the PageRank juice of the page goes away. So in order to prevent them one should add nofollow tag to all external links.

3. Adding alt tags to all images
Alt tag in an image describes it and through it search engines like Google Images show you blogs image on related query. This helps to get more visitors to your blog and improve SEO greatly.

So the question comes how to do all these things ? Manually doing this will take hell lot of time and it would nearly impossible for blogs with huge number of posts for manually doing this task. So in order to save your effort a JavaScript code is already coded.
Go to Blog Title → Template → Edit HTML and add the below code just above the tag </head>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
jQuery('a').each(function(){// Let's make external links open in a new tab. var href=jQuery(this).attr('href');if (typeof href !='undefined' && href !="" && (href.indexOf('http://') !=-1 || href.indexOf('https://') !=-1) && href.indexOf(window.location.hostname)==-1){jQuery(this).attr("target", "_blank");}});//]]></script>

<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
jQuery('a').each(function(){// Let's make external links nofollow. var href=jQuery(this).attr('href');if (typeof href !='undefined' && href !="" && (href.indexOf('http://') !=-1 || href.indexOf('https://') !=-1) && href.indexOf(window.location.hostname)==-1){jQuery(this).attr("rel", "nofollow");}});//]]></script>

<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[

If your blog already has the JQuery plugin you may remove the code in red and if not add the whole code in order to make the script work.
Once you have added the code save your template.You are done now. Now you can see alt tags in your images, Nofollow tag in External links and Opening of external links in new tab. I would recommend every blogger to add this code because one small effort of yours can make improve your blog's SEO significantly.  

Sliding Social icons with Hover effect for Blogger

Sliding Social icons with Hover effect for Blogger

Sliding Social icons with Hover effect for Blogger 

Today I am going to show how you can add cool Sliding Social icons with Hover effect to your Blogger/Blogspot blog. These button have a really cool hover effect.

These buttons are made with CSS without using any JavaScript coding. The code has been optimized to load faster. These buttons are attractive and their hover effect make them awesome. When hovered we can see a sliding effect and change in the buttons image. A live working demo of this widget can be seen just below.
Once you have seen the demo we can move on with the tutorial for adding this widget to your blogger blog.

Adding the HTML/CSS through Layout

For adding this widget in your blog go to Blog Title → Layout → Add Widget → HTML/JavaScript and paste the below code in the box.
<div class="abt-social-slide">
<li><a class="facebook" href="#" target="_blank">Facebook</a></li>
<li><a class="twitter" href="#" target="_blank">Twitter</a></li>
<li><a class="google-p" href="#" target="_blank">Google plus</a></li>
<li><a class="rss" href="#" target="_blank">Rss</a></li>
.abt-social-slide ul li{list-style:none;border-bottom:none;padding:0}
.abt-social-slide li a{width:59px;height:59px;float:left;text-indent:-99999px;border:solid 1px #222121;border-radius:5px;-webkit-transition:All .3s ease-out;-moz-transition:All .3s ease-out;-o-transition:All .3s ease-out;margin:5px 5px 10px;padding:0}
.abt-social-slide li a.facebook{background:url( no-repeat 0 -88px}
.abt-social-slide li a.facebook:hover{background:url( no-repeat 0 0}
.abt-social-slide li a.twitter{background:url( no-repeat 0 -88px}
.abt-social-slide li a.twitter:hover{background:url( no-repeat 0 0}
.abt-social-slide li{background:url( no-repeat 0 -88px}
.abt-social-slide li{background:url( no-repeat 0 0}
.abt-social-slide li a.rss{background:url( no-repeat 0 -88px}
.abt-social-slide li a.rss:hover{background:url( no-repeat 0 0}

After adding the code change # to your desired URL and save the widget. Finally save the template.

You are done now. Now you and your visitors can see this awesome sliding social icons with Hover effect in your blogger blog.

How to block Adblocker users in your Blogger blog

How to block Adblocker users in your Blogger blog

Ad-blocker is an extension available on major browsers which blocks the advertisements which appear on Facebook / Google / Youtube and all small and big website/blogs. Ad-blocker currently has millions and millions of users. Bloggers work hard to provide services to their visitors and in return they too should get something and this extension is actually the road block in the path.

Due to Ad-blocker the ads don't reach some of the visitors and thus there would be no money no matter how much large user base you have. So in order to block Ad-blocker users, you just have to add a small piece of code. When any Ad-blocker user visits to your blog he will be redirected to a page which will instruct him/her to disable the extension and visit the page again.

There are many pros and cons of this plugins.

Pros - 

1. You will have more income as ads are visible to all.
2. After adding Ad-blocker the UI of the website changes to an extent. After adding this plugin all can see the actual page.


1. Bounce rate is going to be much higher
2. You may loose visitors.

A bloggers main job is helping others and not making money so I would personally recommend not to use this plugin. But if you think that you are not getting anything for the things you have been providing to your visitors you may add this plugins.

First go to Blog Title → Template → Edit HTML. Press Ctrl + F and search for </body> and paste the given code just above </body>.

  <div id="abt-adblock-container">
<script type='text/javascript'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
if (document.getElementById("abt-adblock-container").clientHeight < 11 || document.getElementById("abt-adblock-container").style.position == "absolue") {window.location = "";}

After adding the code save the template.

You are done now. Now whenever any Ad-blocker users come to your block he would be forced to disable the extension to see the contents of your blog. 

Tricks To Improve Blog Ranking in Search Results

Tricks To Improve Blog Ranking in Search Results

Tricks To Improve Blog Ranking in Search Results 

Hello friends, today we have Ankit from as a guest author. He  has shared a lot of Blogger Tricks on his blog to improve blog traffic, readership, blog followers, social share counts, blog optimization and many more. And today he is here with an amazing and unique trick to improve blog ranking in search engines. Using this trick, you’ll be able to get following benefits.

  • Better Position in Search Results

  • High Organic Traffic

  • High Google Page Rank

  • Royal Readers and many more.

I know that you are waiting to know this wonderful trick. So, let's hear from Ankit that how to apply this trick on our blog.

How to Improve Ranking in Blogger?

Hi Bloggers, I am Ankit here with a trick to improve blog ranking. Below are some easy steps that you have to follow for today’s tutorial.

You need a HTML sitemap page or Table of Contents page to get this trick in work. If you already have one in your blog then you have done half of the job but if you don't have one then I  strongly recommend you to create it first.

In previous post at this blog, Dhiraj Barnwal (Admin of this blog) shared two amazing Table of Contents widget for bloggers. You can choose any one for your blog which you like most. Read below tutorial for the instructions to add table of contents page in your blog.
So, now you are ready with your Table of Contents page. Let see how to use this page to get ranking in search results.

As a blogger, you must know that we should not create too many backlinks for our homepage. Number of backlinks to inner pages must be thrice than homepage to be safe from over SEO penalties.

That's why we need a Table of Contents page. We have to create backlinks to this page that will help our entire blog to get better ranking in search engines.
You may be thinking that how building backlinks for Sitemap page can give benefits to our entire blog. Well I have listed all the points below that will clear your doubts.

  • Sitemap page contains links of all of our blog posts, and if we build backlinks to it then our blog indexing rate will improve.

  • It'll flow the Page rank juice to all of the posts that will help them to get better rankings in search results.

  • Building backlinks to Table of contents page will create a SEO friendly landing page for readers.

  • Improves blog bounce rate because readers have to click on links to read the posts.

  • and many more.

Optimize Your Blog Post Titles for Better SEO

Optimize Your Blog Post Titles for Better SEO

Optimize Your Blog Post Titles for Better SEO

The reason most of the blogger templates aren’t that SEO friendly because templates available in Blogger were designed long ago and haven’t been updated, probably since 2007, since then Google SEO algorithm has changed a lot and as being on blogger you don’t want to be left long away, to keep up with the competition making your Blogger template SEO friendly is very important and so this small SEO related article will help you to leave your competitors behind.

If you are also using a template from Blogger then you need to make some changes on it to fit your needs and also to fit the search engine needs. Normally search engine don’t focus on the markup importantly but it’s a good thing to change it to something user friendly.  What Blogger templates like ‘Simple’, Travel’ etc. have h1 tag as it’s Blog title, which is normal. But the Post title is not okay that all, it is in an h3 tag, for many reasons your blog might not being shown up in the search results and this is on of those reasons.
You won’t find any difficulties with a WordPress theme, as they are freshly published and reviewed by experts but templates in Blogger were made by expert but not freshly launched. Just as the search engines detects an anchor link because of it’s markup then why can’t they see what heading is being used for what area.

Enough about it’s effect, let’s talk about how to make the changes applicable. These easy instruction will give you the easiest way to turn your post title to h2 from h3.
  1. First of all login to your Blogger Dashboard
  2. Go to the Template tab and click on Edit HTML, ignore the warning and proceed.
  3. Check mark the ‘Expand Widget Template’
  4. Use CTRL+F and search for this line
    <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'>
  5. All you have to do is just change the <h3> to <h2>, change of only a number. But we aren’t done yet, remember there’s still an ending/closing tag. You have to change both starting <h3> and ending </h3> tag into the template. In the middle it’s all XML codes that works on the server to serve an HTML page. 
  6. After you turn the starting h3 to h2, do remember to change the ending tag too or it will create difficulties while saving the template.
  7. You will find the tag two times. one is for Desktop Version Template and another is for Mobile version Template. I recommend you to change all h3 that marks as the post title to h2. Searching for <h3 will bring up the codes but as i already said, remember to change corresponding closing tag too.
Yeah that’s it ! It doesn’t only increase visibility and beauty of your blog in search results but also make your blog user friendly. Now stop using h3 for your post title, h3 is only good in the post body for heading. This was not a big change or addition for better SEO in your blog but remember it is how SEO works, there’s no easy and direct way to get to the top of search results, small and effective actions you take regarding your blog makes it a hit on SEO and search engines.
Don’t get worried if your blog don’t do too good in the search results, keep posting and that’s the most important aspect in getting to the top. And this blog is always free to read, check post related to Blogger SEO for some more amazing post and do subscribe for our coming posts.