The Problem Is Your Blog Titles Are Boring – Fix It Now

The Problem Is Your Blog Titles Are Boring – Fix It Now
Grabbing a readers attention is a vital aspect to composing a blog post.  Many people actually overlook this part of writing and copywriters are making a small fortune off “dressing” up post to make them more effective.

Obviously, if no one clicks on your post you milds well be writing to the air.  In terms of measuring your post effectiveness there are a number or things that come into play.  In this article I hope to show you some ways to improve your blog post.

Your Blog Post Title’s Shouldn’t Be Lame

It’s been said that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.  However, with a blog post people judge your article by its title, which is really the “cover” of your article.  For instance, if you title is lame no one will read your content which makes it a complete waste of time (unless you like writing to the error).
So how do you make your title pop?
To answer that question I will be referencing a book I read by Dan Kennedy.  For those of you that don’t know who he is; he’s a copywriter that charges 150k – 2 million per sales copy that he writes (so he knows a thing or two about writing).  While this article really isn’t about sales copies but the fundamental knowledge from sales copy still applies to blogging.
I have learned over the years what works and what doesn’t.  If you’re struggling to make your titles effective I would pick up a copy of Cosmopolitan magazine.  No, you don’t have to read it (unless you want to), but what you do need to do is take note of the titles.  They make you want to read it no matter what the article is about.  Take these headlines for example:
  • 9 Soul-Crushing Facebook Stalking Fails Everyone Makes
  • 6 Coworkers No One Warns You About
  • Why My Wedding Won’t Be The Best Day Of My Life

Tricks To Improve Blog Ranking in Search Results

Tricks To Improve Blog Ranking in Search Results

Hello friends, today we have Ankit from as a guest author. He has shared a lot of Blogger Tricks on his blog to improve blog traffic, readership, blog followers, social share counts, blog optimization and many more. And today he is here with an amazing and unique trick to improve blog ranking in search engines. Using this trick, you’ll be able to get following benefits.

Better Position in Search Results

High Organic Traffic

High Google Page Rank

Royal Readers and many more.

I know that you are waiting to know this wonderful trick. So, let's hear from Ankit that how to apply this trick on our blog.

I know that you are waiting to know this wonderful trick. So, let's hear from Ankit that how to apply this trick on our blog.

How to Improve Ranking in Blogger?

Hi Bloggers, I am Ankit here with a trick to improve blog ranking. Below are some easy steps that you have to follow for today’s tutorial.

You need a HTML sitemap page or Table of Contents page to get this trick in work. If you already have one in your blog then you have done half of the job but if you don't have one then I  strongly recommend you to create it first.

In previous post at this blog, Dhiraj Barnwal (Admin of this blog) shared two amazing Table of Contents widget for bloggers. You can choose any one for your blog which you like most. Read below tutorial for the instructions to add table of contents page in your blog.
So, now you are ready with your Table of Contents page. Let see how to use this page to get ranking in search results.

As a blogger, you must know that we should not create too many backlinks for our homepage. Number of backlinks to inner pages must be thrice than homepage to be safe from over SEO penalties.

That's why we need a Table of Contents page. We have to create backlinks to this page that will help our entire blog to get better ranking in search engines. 
You may be thinking that how building backlinks for Sitemap page can give benefits to our entire blog. Well I have listed all the points below that will clear your doubts.

  • Sitemap page contains links of all of our blog posts, and if we build backlinks to it then our blog indexing rate will improve.

  • It'll flow the Page rank juice to all of the posts that will help them to get better rankings in search results.

  • Building backlinks to Table of contents page will create a SEO friendly landing page for readers.

  • Improves blog bounce rate because readers have to click on links to read the posts.

  • and many more.

Best SEO Practices for Blogger Blogs

Best SEO Practices for Blogger Blogs 

We all know about WordPress. It is just another alternative for blogger but it has one thing which blogger blogs lack. They are Plugins. WordPress has a wide range on plugin which you can use in your blog. There are different types of SEO Plugins available for WordPress such as - Yoast SEO, All in One SEO etc. Blogger does not supports these plugins and you have to do all the SEO work manually. You may hire someone but this could be costly. So below are few tips on how you can make your Blogger blog more visible to search engines.

Adding Meta Tag in Header

Go to Blog Title → Template → Edit HTML and add the below code just after the tag <head>

<meta content='Your site description' name='description'/>
<meta content='Your site Keywords' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='Your Name' name='author'/>
<meta content='' name='Email'/>
<meta content='global' name='distribution'/>
<meta content='document' name='resource-type'/>
<meta content='all' name='audience'/>
<meta content='general' name='rating'/>
<meta content='all' name='robots'/>
<meta content='en' name='language'/>
<meta content='EN' name='country'/>
<meta content='blogger' name='generator'/>
<meta content='Your Name' name='owner'/>
<meta content='(c) 2013 Blog name' name='copyright'/>

After adding the above code edit it with your desired settings.

Adding Alt and Title tag to all images

Optimizing blog images are really important for SEO and for that one should add Alt and Title tag to every image of its blog. The following can be done by Clicking the image in post editor, click on properties and adding the needed text.

Customizing Permalink of your post

You can also customize the permalink that is URL of your blog post. For customizing the permalink of the post you have to click on Permalink tab under Post Settings and do the desired changes.
Tip : Remove slugs like in, on, to, for etc. You must be inquisitive to know why don't I do these changes well you will get the answer in the last line of this post.

Adding blog to different Search Engines

So that search engines can crawl your blog, it is very important to add your blog on different search engines. Below is a list of some popular search engines where you can submit your blogs URL.

AlltheWeb Submit at
AltaVista Submit at
AOL Search Submit via Google ( Does not accept site submissions.
Best of the Web Paid submittal at
Bing Submit at
Gigablast Submit at
JoeAnt Submit at
Open Directory Go to appropriate category page and click Suggest URL.
Starting Point Paid submittal at
Wikia Search Click the Add button on any relevant search results page.

 Other Factors

There are many other factors on which your blog's SEO depends they are - Blog Speed, Originality of the content, Keyword research, Backlinks, SEO optimized template etc.

SEO is a very important factor for your blogs productivity so one should surely pay attention to it. Last but not the least I just want to say that never over-optimize your blog.
Write for your readers, not for the search engines.

How to add Custom Text Ads Box like Adsense

How to add Custom Text Ads Box like Adsense 


 Many of you may have seen Google Adsense text ads in other or your blog. Today I will show you how you can add Text Ads Box widget to your blogger blog. In this widget you can edit everything i.e. the colors, Title text, Description, Ads provider etc. etc. If you sell text links on your blog this widget may be quite helpful for you.

The live demo of this widget can be seen by clicking the below button and looking at the right sidebar of the opened page.

Adding the Widget

Go to Blog Title → Layout → Add Widget → HTML/JavaScript. Paste the below code in the box
#ads_ppc {text-align: left; width:280px; height:300px; padding:5px; margin:0px;border:1px solid #1a4d86}
<div id='ads_ppc'>
<a style="text-decoration: underline; padding: 15; font-size: 12px; color:blue;" href="" target="_blank" title="YourTitle"><strong>Big Link Name</strong></a><br />
<span style="font:11px verdana;">YOUR DESCRIPTION HERE</span><br />
<a style="font-size: 9px;color:#b0130d;" href="" target="_blank" title="Link Title">Small Link Name</a><br/><br/>

<a style="text-decoration: underline; padding: 15; font-size: 12px; color:blue;" href="" target="_blank" title="YourTitle"><strong>Big Link Name</strong></a><br />
<span style="font:11px verdana;">YOUR DESCRIPTION HERE</span><br />
<a style="font-size: 9px;color:#b0130d;" href="" target="_blank" title="Link Title">Small Link Name</a><br/><br/>

<a style="text-decoration: underline; padding: 15; font-size: 12px; color:blue;" href="" target="_blank" title="YourTitle"><strong>Big Link Name</strong></a><br />
<span style="font:11px verdana;">YOUR DESCRIPTION HERE</span><br />
<a style="font-size: 9px;color:#b0130d;" href="" target="_blank" title="Link Title">Small Link Name</a><br/><br/>

<a style="text-decoration: none; padding: 15; font-size: 12px; float: right;color:#b0130d;" href="" target="_blank" title="Creators Link"><small>Ads by ABT</small></a><br />

Change the numbers in red to meet your requirements. Change other things like Link, Title, Link Name etc. with your desired text. 
Save the Widget and Save the Template.

Your are done now. Now you and your visitors can see this custom text ads widget in your blog.

How to make your blogger blog more SEO Friendly

How to make your blogger blog more SEO Friendly 

EO (Search Engine Optimization) is the base of every blog, without it one can't call his blog a commercial/professional one. The ranking of your blog in Google largely depends on SEO and we all know better the ranking in Google, more the traffic we get. So one should make every possible effort to make his blog more SEO Friendly. But how do I do it ? SEO is a vast topic. There are thousands of ways for improving your blog's SEO. Such as adding Meta Tags, Keeping the right number of characters in the post title, adding alt tags to all images and many other things.

Today I will show you how you can -

1. Make all the external links open in new tab 
This will reduce your bounce rate, increase the no. of pageviews on your blog and your blog traffic will not be transferred just because of one single link.

2. Make all the external links nofollow
By default all links are dofollow that means Google can crawl them and hence much of the PageRank juice of the page goes away. So in order to prevent them one should add nofollow tag to all external links.

3. Adding alt tags to all images
Alt tag in an image describes it and through it search engines like Google Images show you blogs image on related query. This helps to get more visitors to your blog and improve SEO greatly.

So the question comes how to do all these things ? Manually doing this will take hell lot of time and it would nearly impossible for blogs with huge number of posts for manually doing this task. So in order to save your effort a JavaScript code is already coded.
Go to Blog Title → Template → Edit HTML and add the below code just above the tag </head>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
jQuery('a').each(function(){// Let's make external links open in a new tab. var href=jQuery(this).attr('href');if (typeof href !='undefined' && href !="" && (href.indexOf('http://') !=-1 || href.indexOf('https://') !=-1) && href.indexOf(window.location.hostname)==-1){jQuery(this).attr("target", "_blank");}});//]]></script>

<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
jQuery('a').each(function(){// Let's make external links nofollow. var href=jQuery(this).attr('href');if (typeof href !='undefined' && href !="" && (href.indexOf('http://') !=-1 || href.indexOf('https://') !=-1) && href.indexOf(window.location.hostname)==-1){jQuery(this).attr("rel", "nofollow");}});//]]></script>

<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[

If your blog already has the JQuery plugin you may remove the code in red and if not add the whole code in order to make the script work.
Once you have added the code save your template.You are done now. Now you can see alt tags in your images, Nofollow tag in External links and Opening of external links in new tab. I would recommend every blogger to add this code because one small effort of yours can make improve your blog's SEO significantly.  

Sliding Social icons with Hover effect for Blogger

Sliding Social icons with Hover effect for Blogger

Sliding Social icons with Hover effect for Blogger 

Today I am going to show how you can add cool Sliding Social icons with Hover effect to your Blogger/Blogspot blog. These button have a really cool hover effect.

These buttons are made with CSS without using any JavaScript coding. The code has been optimized to load faster. These buttons are attractive and their hover effect make them awesome. When hovered we can see a sliding effect and change in the buttons image. A live working demo of this widget can be seen just below.
Once you have seen the demo we can move on with the tutorial for adding this widget to your blogger blog.

Adding the HTML/CSS through Layout

For adding this widget in your blog go to Blog Title → Layout → Add Widget → HTML/JavaScript and paste the below code in the box.
<div class="abt-social-slide">
<li><a class="facebook" href="#" target="_blank">Facebook</a></li>
<li><a class="twitter" href="#" target="_blank">Twitter</a></li>
<li><a class="google-p" href="#" target="_blank">Google plus</a></li>
<li><a class="rss" href="#" target="_blank">Rss</a></li>
.abt-social-slide ul li{list-style:none;border-bottom:none;padding:0}
.abt-social-slide li a{width:59px;height:59px;float:left;text-indent:-99999px;border:solid 1px #222121;border-radius:5px;-webkit-transition:All .3s ease-out;-moz-transition:All .3s ease-out;-o-transition:All .3s ease-out;margin:5px 5px 10px;padding:0}
.abt-social-slide li a.facebook{background:url( no-repeat 0 -88px}
.abt-social-slide li a.facebook:hover{background:url( no-repeat 0 0}
.abt-social-slide li a.twitter{background:url( no-repeat 0 -88px}
.abt-social-slide li a.twitter:hover{background:url( no-repeat 0 0}
.abt-social-slide li{background:url( no-repeat 0 -88px}
.abt-social-slide li{background:url( no-repeat 0 0}
.abt-social-slide li a.rss{background:url( no-repeat 0 -88px}
.abt-social-slide li a.rss:hover{background:url( no-repeat 0 0}

After adding the code change # to your desired URL and save the widget. Finally save the template.

You are done now. Now you and your visitors can see this awesome sliding social icons with Hover effect in your blogger blog.

How to block Adblocker users in your Blogger blog

How to block Adblocker users in your Blogger blog

Ad-blocker is an extension available on major browsers which blocks the advertisements which appear on Facebook / Google / Youtube and all small and big website/blogs. Ad-blocker currently has millions and millions of users. Bloggers work hard to provide services to their visitors and in return they too should get something and this extension is actually the road block in the path.

Due to Ad-blocker the ads don't reach some of the visitors and thus there would be no money no matter how much large user base you have. So in order to block Ad-blocker users, you just have to add a small piece of code. When any Ad-blocker user visits to your blog he will be redirected to a page which will instruct him/her to disable the extension and visit the page again.

There are many pros and cons of this plugins.

Pros - 

1. You will have more income as ads are visible to all.
2. After adding Ad-blocker the UI of the website changes to an extent. After adding this plugin all can see the actual page.


1. Bounce rate is going to be much higher
2. You may loose visitors.

A bloggers main job is helping others and not making money so I would personally recommend not to use this plugin. But if you think that you are not getting anything for the things you have been providing to your visitors you may add this plugins.

First go to Blog Title → Template → Edit HTML. Press Ctrl + F and search for </body> and paste the given code just above </body>.

  <div id="abt-adblock-container">
<script type='text/javascript'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
if (document.getElementById("abt-adblock-container").clientHeight < 11 || document.getElementById("abt-adblock-container").style.position == "absolue") {window.location = "";}

After adding the code save the template.

You are done now. Now whenever any Ad-blocker users come to your block he would be forced to disable the extension to see the contents of your blog. 

Tricks To Improve Blog Ranking in Search Results

Tricks To Improve Blog Ranking in Search Results

Tricks To Improve Blog Ranking in Search Results 

Hello friends, today we have Ankit from as a guest author. He  has shared a lot of Blogger Tricks on his blog to improve blog traffic, readership, blog followers, social share counts, blog optimization and many more. And today he is here with an amazing and unique trick to improve blog ranking in search engines. Using this trick, you’ll be able to get following benefits.

  • Better Position in Search Results

  • High Organic Traffic

  • High Google Page Rank

  • Royal Readers and many more.

I know that you are waiting to know this wonderful trick. So, let's hear from Ankit that how to apply this trick on our blog.

How to Improve Ranking in Blogger?

Hi Bloggers, I am Ankit here with a trick to improve blog ranking. Below are some easy steps that you have to follow for today’s tutorial.

You need a HTML sitemap page or Table of Contents page to get this trick in work. If you already have one in your blog then you have done half of the job but if you don't have one then I  strongly recommend you to create it first.

In previous post at this blog, Dhiraj Barnwal (Admin of this blog) shared two amazing Table of Contents widget for bloggers. You can choose any one for your blog which you like most. Read below tutorial for the instructions to add table of contents page in your blog.
So, now you are ready with your Table of Contents page. Let see how to use this page to get ranking in search results.

As a blogger, you must know that we should not create too many backlinks for our homepage. Number of backlinks to inner pages must be thrice than homepage to be safe from over SEO penalties.

That's why we need a Table of Contents page. We have to create backlinks to this page that will help our entire blog to get better ranking in search engines.
You may be thinking that how building backlinks for Sitemap page can give benefits to our entire blog. Well I have listed all the points below that will clear your doubts.

  • Sitemap page contains links of all of our blog posts, and if we build backlinks to it then our blog indexing rate will improve.

  • It'll flow the Page rank juice to all of the posts that will help them to get better rankings in search results.

  • Building backlinks to Table of contents page will create a SEO friendly landing page for readers.

  • Improves blog bounce rate because readers have to click on links to read the posts.

  • and many more.

Optimize Your Blog Post Titles for Better SEO

Optimize Your Blog Post Titles for Better SEO

Optimize Your Blog Post Titles for Better SEO

The reason most of the blogger templates aren’t that SEO friendly because templates available in Blogger were designed long ago and haven’t been updated, probably since 2007, since then Google SEO algorithm has changed a lot and as being on blogger you don’t want to be left long away, to keep up with the competition making your Blogger template SEO friendly is very important and so this small SEO related article will help you to leave your competitors behind.

If you are also using a template from Blogger then you need to make some changes on it to fit your needs and also to fit the search engine needs. Normally search engine don’t focus on the markup importantly but it’s a good thing to change it to something user friendly.  What Blogger templates like ‘Simple’, Travel’ etc. have h1 tag as it’s Blog title, which is normal. But the Post title is not okay that all, it is in an h3 tag, for many reasons your blog might not being shown up in the search results and this is on of those reasons.
You won’t find any difficulties with a WordPress theme, as they are freshly published and reviewed by experts but templates in Blogger were made by expert but not freshly launched. Just as the search engines detects an anchor link because of it’s markup then why can’t they see what heading is being used for what area.

Enough about it’s effect, let’s talk about how to make the changes applicable. These easy instruction will give you the easiest way to turn your post title to h2 from h3.
  1. First of all login to your Blogger Dashboard
  2. Go to the Template tab and click on Edit HTML, ignore the warning and proceed.
  3. Check mark the ‘Expand Widget Template’
  4. Use CTRL+F and search for this line
    <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'>
  5. All you have to do is just change the <h3> to <h2>, change of only a number. But we aren’t done yet, remember there’s still an ending/closing tag. You have to change both starting <h3> and ending </h3> tag into the template. In the middle it’s all XML codes that works on the server to serve an HTML page. 
  6. After you turn the starting h3 to h2, do remember to change the ending tag too or it will create difficulties while saving the template.
  7. You will find the tag two times. one is for Desktop Version Template and another is for Mobile version Template. I recommend you to change all h3 that marks as the post title to h2. Searching for <h3 will bring up the codes but as i already said, remember to change corresponding closing tag too.
Yeah that’s it ! It doesn’t only increase visibility and beauty of your blog in search results but also make your blog user friendly. Now stop using h3 for your post title, h3 is only good in the post body for heading. This was not a big change or addition for better SEO in your blog but remember it is how SEO works, there’s no easy and direct way to get to the top of search results, small and effective actions you take regarding your blog makes it a hit on SEO and search engines.
Don’t get worried if your blog don’t do too good in the search results, keep posting and that’s the most important aspect in getting to the top. And this blog is always free to read, check post related to Blogger SEO for some more amazing post and do subscribe for our coming posts.

The 10 Commandments to Successful Blogging

The 10 Commandments to Successful Blogging

The 10 Commandments to Successful Blogging

This is a guest post by Diggy. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here.
I’ll start off by saying that blogging is absolutely fantastic to do if you are passionate about a certain topic.
If you can write dozens or hundreds of articles related to the same topic without seeing it as a chore, then a blog is a great medium to build up an audience and establish yourself as an authority in a certain niche.
If you want to blog to make a full-time income, I can tell you that it’s possible but it’s not easy and it won’t happen overnight.
Let me share with you what I’ve learned since starting my blog
It’s been just over 2 years since I bought my blog domain. When I started Upgrade Reality, I had zero knowledge about websites, blogging or WordPress.
It took me an entire year of having a horrible theme, spending hours playing with code and tweaking my blog, and writing dozens of (in retrospect) terrible articles before I had a decent understanding of what a respectable blog should look like and what content it should have.
Looking back at some of my older screenshots and articles, it was so bad I can’t imagine how anyone ever read that I had to say.
I truly wish that I had spent money on a mentor or found a blog post like this one, because it would have saved me months of discovering things by trial and error. I can tell you that there is no point in re-inventing the wheel. There are proven methods and tactics that work, and until you know better…copy.
Here are 10 ‘Commandments’ you need to follow if you want to have a successful blog and dominate your industry.
1-Invest In Your Blog
With millions of blogs and websites to compete with, you need to set yourself apart from the rest in order to gain a big audience.
The first thing that a new visitor sees when he lands on your blog is the design.
I’m a big fan of a simple and clean, yet gorgeous design and pretty logo. Your blog should be easy to navigate and it should be 100% clear what you want the visitor to do (I.e. subscribe or click on your latest article).
Unless you have web-designing experience, don’t try to design your own blog layout. Find a web designer who will create a custom theme for your WordPress blog, and be prepared to spend $250-$500 on that. It may seem like a lot of money if you are just starting, but it’s the best investment you can make. Trust me!
2-Have A Specific Direction
Your blog needs to have a clear purpose.
What do you write about? (e.g. Self Improvement)
What are you trying to achieve? (e.g. Helping people gain confidence and get the life they want)
This direction that you have with your blog needs to be overly evident to anyone landing on your page. Every article you write should be related to the purpose of your blog (trying to help people) and it should be clear to anyone who lands on your blog for the first time (i.e. your logo or slogan should state what your blog is about).
3-Learn To Format Your Articles
One thing that took me a long time to realize is that articles on a blog are formatted in a completely different way to a book you buy in the store or an essay that you write in the office.
Articles on blogs are broken down into lots of small paragraphs, many sub-headings, list points and they often contain images.
The reason for this is that people don’t read massive chunks of text on their computer screens. In fact, the majority of people scan through an article, reading only the subheadings or bullet-points, and they will read the entire article properly if you managed to get their attention when they scanned the article.
For an excellent resource about writing and text-formatting, head over to
4-Study The Writing of Successful Bloggers
There’s no better way to learn than by studying and copying successful people.
Take time to read and study the articles and writing styles of some of the top bloggers in the world like: Leo Babauta, Darren Rowse, Steve Pavlina and Jay White.
5-Start Building A List From Day 1
This is probably the biggest mistake I made with my blog and it is one that I regret.
If you do not have an email list, start today. The money is in the list. Not only will you be able to make much more money when you have an email list, you will be able to build a much better relationship with your readers and help a lot more people than when you only write articles on your blog.
I don’t mean a Feedburner email list, I mean using a professional mailing-list system like Aweber or Mailchimp.
6-Have a Free Report
Have a free report, a video or an ebook that you can offer to new visitors. People love free stuff, especially if the free stuff contains awesome content and information.
Offer your freebie as an incentive for people to sign up to your mailing list. It will increase the number of people who sign up to your updates dramatically!
7-Guest Post
Do you want more exposure and more readers to your blog?
Then you need to get your name out there. The easiest way to do this is to write great quality, useful articles as guest posts for other blogs in your niche.
Take a month or two and write 30-50 awesome articles that you are going to send to related blogs in your niche. You will see a massive increase in readers from a guest-posting campaign like that.
For a great resource about guest posting, check out this article on
It’s not about what you know, it’s about who you know.
This is such an old but such a true statement. Knowing the right people could result in massive growth and awareness of your blog.
Go out and find the top 10 blogs in your niche. Then go out and find another 20 medium-sized blogs in your niche. Then go out and find 10 smaller blogs than your own blog.
Leave a few comments on their posts and send the owner of each of those blogs an email. Follow them on Twitter.
Note: Don’t network for the sake of personal gain. This is very important. Be genuine, make real connections and make friends with these people without asking anything of them. Over time they will happily help you out if you have shown that you are trustworthy and shown them that you help them out too.

9-Create Your Own Products

Creating and selling your own products is by far the most profitable business model.
You can make some money with advertising space on your blog, and you can make decent money by promoting products and using affiliate links.
However, the most profitable is if you create your own products (ebooks, guides, videos, membership sites etc.) and you sell them to your readers.
Creating a product is hard work, but you don’t have to do everything yourself. You can outsource many parts, like the design, the sales page and even the content. If you know the problem you want to create a product (solution) for, you can give guidelines or a skeleton to an experienced writer and pay him to create the ebook for you.
Start with a small product, but start with it. Create your own products and keep creating them. Henri does it, hundreds of other bloggers do it, I do it and now you need to do it too!
10-Provide Value
This is the most important thing that I can tell you about blogging. You need to always provide value.
Whether you are making someone laugh, or helping them live a healthy lifestyle, or giving them information how to blog like a pro…make sure that your content is always useful.
If you are providing value, visitors will become loyal readers. They will return, and a percentage of them will turn into regular buyers of the products you create and recommend to them.

Parting Words

Before I end this article off I want to leave you with some final blogging advice.
If you are blogging to build up an online income, then you need to treat your blog as a business. A blog does not make money, a business does.
The blog is just the medium that you use to connect with the hundreds or thousands of people that could become buying customers. If you do not have the mindset that your blog is an actual business, I can tell you that you are doomed to make little money until you change that mindset.
Work your way through all the points in this list and you should notice a big difference in your blog’s traffic, readers and in the amount of money you make from it. (But it will not happen overnight).
About the Author: Diggy blogs about Self Improvement at He has also created a foolproof guide to help you overcome your personal obstacles and inspire your personal growth, so check his site out.

The Top 7 Twitter Imperatives For Bloggers

The Top 7 Twitter Imperatives For Bloggers

The Top 7 Twitter Imperatives For Bloggers

Many bloggers accustomed to dealing with topics in 400 to 600 words are finding concentrating their messages down to a mere 140 characters to be extremely challenging. Twitter can be a minefield and the slightest error can cost you readers and reputation, so follow these top 7 blogger imperatives for Twitter and rise to the level of a whiz tweeter, not a whizzing twit.
1. Wach ur Spelink & Gramma – Your Twitter content represents your blog and if you’re illiterate in your tweets then the reader can expect more of the same in your blog. Even though you only have 140 characters to work with, abbreviations are generally frowned upon, so it’s best to state what you have to say very concisely but in perfect English.
2. Ice your head first – The CEO of the leading company in your field has done something so profoundly cretinous that they’re making Steve Ballmer look like Albert Einstein, so your first temptation is to fire off a tweet calling him a moron and a bozo. You shouldn’t insult anyone on Twitter ever as it can come back to haunt you and will alienate many of your followers. You’re best off to criticize the factual policies, without engaging in ad hominem attacks.
3. Thicken your skin – One of the most frustrating things about being on Twitter is how many of your followers will not hesitate for a moment to call you a moron and a bozo. Just like you shouldn’t engage in vulgar tweeting about industry figures you have to restrain yourself from engaging in an exchange of expletives with instigators. Just ignore them and they’ll go find some other playground to engage in their silly games.
4. Just the facts ma’am – Twitter is a factual communications medium, so you’re best off to reserve your editorial ruminations to your blog and provide information and links which are both relevant and valuable to your reader. They read your blog to obtain the latest happenings in your industry, whether it be the specs on the latest 128GB SSD or what Lindsay Lohan has done now. “Just had a great Mocha Frappuccino #starbucks” is not really either relevant or valuable to anyone and it verges on…
5. Shill Shill Hurray (Not) – The great dirty non-secret of Twitter is that influential tweeters can cash in bigtime. When a major celebrity movie or sports star makes an offhanded remark about how great their shoe/car/watch/whatever is you can bet that their motivation is not altruistic sharing of a great customer experience but a real big check.
As a blogger you have a responsibility to remain unbiased and balanced, so ranting on about how fantastic a specific product is will communicate to your readers that you’ve succumbed to payola and your opinions can no longer be trusted to be your own.
6. Politickmeoff – Are you writing a political blog? Then feel free to engage in all the political wagging your heart desires. If your blog is not related to politics in any way then your tweets should never broach the subjects. If your readers are seeking information on your industry’s latest news, they really couldn’t care less if you’re voting for or against Obama. You can make an exception when political maneuvering affects your industry, such as the Keystone XL pipeline being momentous for the oil business or the Stop Online Piracy Act shaking up internet providers.
7. No laughs for gaffes – We all laugh uproariously when a major twitter makes a boneheaded mistake, such as Ashton Kutcher railing against Penn State Coach Joe Paterno’s firing before learning it was due to a molestation scandal, Kenneth Cole connecting the violent Egyptian uprising to his new spring fashion collection, or Gilbert Gottfried making jokes out of the Japanese Tsunami.
So… what have learned, Dorothy? Don’t repeat their mistakes! You should be lighthearted in your tweets but not ever broach the limits of insensitivity or make factual errors. The wrong 140 characters can wipe out years of work building up your blog!
Hal Licino is a successful author, award-winning freelance writer, and frequent contributor to a blog hosted by Benchmark Email, an email marketing service for small businesses. He also writes a weekly column for Daily Blog Tips.

33 Ways to Instant Blogging Failure

33 Ways to Instant Blogging Failure

33 Ways to Instant Blogging Failure

There are a lot of posts written about blogging success, but perhaps not quite as many written on why blogs fail. Since I believe failure is such a great part of the entrepreneurial learning process, and you really only fail when you quit, I thought I’d write an “homage” to failure if you will. Here you go: 33 ways to fail at blogging:
  1. Not having a plan. Your blog just be a business some day, but you should run it like one now. That means spend time writing down your goals (like physically writing them down!) about where you hope to be in a month, six months, a year, etc.
  2. Stop trying. I can’t tell you how many blogs I’ve started, worked on regularly for about three weeks, and abandoned. Of course, sometimes it is better to realize when you’ve hit a brick wall, but other times it just takes perseverance to break through The Dip and push on.
  3. Stop caring. Apathy for your topic is a close second to #1, but it is slightly different. Lack of caring happens when you forget why you’re blogging in the first place—the energy for your topic is lost; all the great ideas fleshed out, overworked, and drained.
  4. Having the wrong expectations. Similarly, if you have impossibly high expectations for your site that don’t align with the real world, burnout and apathy might be nearby.
  5. Bad design. Having a site that projects the wrong image can be like trying to open a 5-star restaurant in a strip-mall. Possible? Sure. Likely to succeed? Probably not.
  6. Too many ads. Corbett Barr of Think Traffic likes to start his students on a “no ads” blogging approach, only adding them in when the blogs are ready. “Ready” is obviously subjective, but it seems to me like having fewer than 2,000 visits a day might be pushing it.
  7. Not having a big orange RSS button. This is a small thing seemingly, but I’m of the type where if I don’t have a super-easy way to subscribe to your content, I won’t come back (it’s not that I don’t love you, it’s just that I’ll forget). It doesn’t need to be orange, but you know…
  8. Writing bad headlines. Or at least, not writing awesome headlines. Take the time to read how to write the best headlines possible, and practice them.
  9. Not optimizing your About page. People who read your stuff want to read about who you are. Some guys can get away with being a meme, but you’re a person. Give us a big ‘ol mugshot of yourself and a couple paragraphs about why we should want to buy you a beer.
  10. Not cross-linking your posts. Blogging—and the web, if you think about it—is ALL about links. Don’t go overboard, but remember that once you get someone on your site, you don’t want them to leave. Link to old posts, new ones, and pages on your site they might enjoy. Lead them to your product, if you have one.
  11. Not setting up systems. I love systems. My first post at ProBlogger was on blogging systems, and I recommend it now, too.
  12. Having a site that looks like an MFA (Made-for-AdSense) site. Unless, of course, you’re solely trying to blog for profit (nothing wrong with that, but it’s much harder to do when it’s a personal blog). If your design reeks of over-the-top AdSense ads, banners, and in-text link ads, it’s distracting and off-putting for visitors.
  13. Bad SEO. Sure, you might not be trying to focus on organic search results for your “personal experiences” blog, but there’s a reason Google’s algorithm is such a proprietary equation: it KNOWS what’s good and bad, when it comes to content. If you haven’t taken at least a little time to optimize your content for a few keywords and add links, it can seem stale, vague, and boring for your readers.
  14. No images. If there’s one universal truth that seems to still be pervasive in blogging (and even then there are exceptions), it’s “have at least one image in every post.” Images add color, depth, and flow to otherwise stagnant content.
  15. Bad writing style. Your writing should certainly reflect who you are, but I doubt you talk in long-winded paragraphs. You probably also don’t sound like an advanced legal professor—tone it down, trim it down, and let us “hear” who you are.
  16. Bad content layout. Going with the prior example, you shouldn’t let large paragraphs of content into your writing. Take a look at the LiveHacked blog, Jeff Goins’ blog, and read some Ernest Hemingway to get an idea for what short, easy-to-read text is all about.
  17. Not using lists. This concept is not something that needs to be in every post, but if you visit some of the more popular blogs (including this one!), you’ll often see that the most popular content is blog posts organized into lists.
  18. Having too many categories. The guys over at Thesis have a great policy on how many categories a blog should have. You’re not Huffington Post or Yahoo! Don’t have a thousand categories with one post in each.
  19. Placing posts in too many categories. Also, don’t stick each post into every single possible category that seems like it might fit. Give each post one—maybe two—categories. It will help Google as well as your visitors find information faster.
  20. Being annoying. Some bloggers have an “air” of rudeness to their writing—let them do it, because they’ve figured out how. For you, it’s better to be nice, humble, and kind—especially to your commenters.
  21. Not having comments enabled. This is certainly a topic for debate, but I like to be able to leave a comment (looking at you, Mr. Godin!). I do understand, however, how huge sites can’t maintain the massive amounts of comments—and spam—that comes in. But you’re not that big yet—turn them on!
  22. Placing too much on the sidebars. Again, this fault seems to plague “little-guys-trying-to-be-big-guys.” It’s not that you don’t have as much to say, it’s just that in the early years of your site, you need to be especially clear, almost to the point of minimalistic, about your site design.
  23. Not capturing visitors’ attention. I highly recommend going through a copywriting course like Copyblogger—even if you’re writing about your trip to Africa, you can probably learn a few tips about drawing your readers in with a great writing style. See #9 and #14.
  24. Not building a list. If you ever want to build a site that can generate income—even a little—start building a mailing list now. Even without ads, your visitors—if you’re offering great content—want that extra “connection” with you. Let them sign up to a mailing list. (I prefer MailChimp or Aweber).
  25. Not engaging with visitors. Engagement can look like following up to commenters, starting dialogue through social media, etc.—just be available to your readers when they want to discuss your topic.
  26. Not adding value. This one’s easy—if you’re not giving me a reason to come back, I won’t.
  27. Too much self-promotion. If your site only links to other posts you’ve written on your site, and completely disregards the fact that there might be another blog with a somewhat similar topic, and your Twitter account is full of “check me out!” tweets, I’m gone like Donkey Kong.
  28. Not enough self-promotion. Okay, okay—there is another side to the coin. You must take the time (I recommend an hour a week) to practice reaching out, engaging, and yeah—self-promoting your work. You did work hard on it, right?
  29. “Shiny Object Syndrome.” There’s always another course to sign up for, always another product to buy teaching yada yada, and there’s always another traffic-generation tactic that you must try and implement now. Please resist—I’ve tried many (not all, but more than I should have). These products and “shiny objects” aren’t bad, they’re just probably bad for where you are in your blogging journey. Instead, read #25.
  30. Not guest posting. Guess what? The best way of generating traffic, attention, and leading visitors back to your site is free. It’s called guest posting, and if you’ve not really put in the time to try it, check out Jon Morrow’s course at (yeah, I know I just said not to grab at the shiny objects, but at least check out his free videos. He has quite a story, too!).
  31. Not interacting with other “small fries.” Or “medium fries,” or “large fries” (or “ProBlogger-size fries”). I’m currently working with a few bloggers who have similar niche markets and are of similar sizes to my blog. If you’re not reaching out to these people, and trying to build relationships, don’t come crying to me when the world moves on without you.
  32. Not reading. Read more. Period. Whether it’s news related to your industry, other blogs (I have about 300 blogs I read in my RSS reader), or just awesome fiction thrillers, you need to read as much as you can. It helps your understanding of your marketplace and it can greatly enhance your writing abilities.
  33. Not writing enough. Back to #1 and #25, if you feel stuck, write. If you feel like quitting, write. If you feel like you’ve made it (yay! My post just went live on ProBlogger!) write. There’s never enough you can write—since blogging is directly monetized through words, you need more of them to make more of it. Kapeesh?

How to Make Your Blog Stand Out

How to Make Your Blog Stand Out

How to Make Your Blog Stand Out

Whether you’re blogging for profit, pleasure or promotion, your primary goal will always be to get as many eyeballs as possible on your posts. As the bigger kids on the blogging block – like Daily Blog Tips – have proven, it’s possible to start from scratch and attract a substantial, highly profitable following over time.
Some of the most popular niche sites such as Mashable began as hobby blogs and now serve up millions of page views per month. If you want to get to that level, there are a few things you should keep in mind when structuring your blog’s content and layout.
Niche It Up
First and foremost, memorable blogs tend to zero in on a lower-level niche at a particular level of specificity. For instance, you won’t have much success by focusing a blog on “technology”, as it’s too broad a topic. Google, Bing and the like will favour the heavyweights when it comes to search engine rankings and visitors are more likely to drift towards a trusted source. A more reasonable niche to pursue would be “creative industry technology”. It’s a lot easier to corner a smaller niche than it is to dominate a broad swath of the market, and you can deliver higher-quality content to your readers by narrowing your focus.
Avoid the Clichés and Find Your Voice
One of the main problems with most bloggers is that they use a generic approach to crafting blog posts and entries. While such utilitarian writing styles have their place in standard reviews, tutorials and news items, they don’t really resonate with readers and are extremely forgettable. When is the last time you saw a post on Yahoo News or even Mashable that really stood out to you? Bloggers like Seth Godin and James Altucher have a distinctive writing style that’s easily recognisable, which is something you should attempt to emulate in your own way.
Take Risks and Be Passionate
When you take an unconventional stand, people respect your integrity and will debate you on your point of view. Don’t be controversial just for the sake of being edgy, but avoid vanilla-flavored boilerplate op-eds that are forgettable. In addition, you should blog about something that really lights your fire intellectually. When you work on something you love, your passion shines through the underlying content and attracts a dedicated, die-hard core of readers that are extremely loyal. Furthermore, those fanatical readers often do your evangelising for you and promote your blog in an organic manner through social media channels.
Build a Destination & a Reputation
Probably the most brilliant thing Apple ever did with the iPhone was to create an all-inclusive platform for users. In other words, they crafted an entire ecosystem instead of just an operating system or a piece of hardware. Alongside iTunes, the iPhone forms a one-stop iOS destination for apps and media content. Your blog should be a one-stop shop for information on your niche that your readers will immediately jump to when they need advice. Make sure your deep content is well-indexed and easy to find, and invest time in perfecting internal linking to increase time-on-site and boost page views.
Parting Words
The most important thing to remember is that very few people strike gold on their first attempt on any given blog. If a successful, high-traffic blog is integral to your overall business plan, you’ll just have to tough it out and plug away until you discover the magic formula. Finally, always remember that all the fancy software and SEO tactics in the world can’t replace quality content that delivers value. Craft relatable content that first and foremost helps your audience, and the traffic will follow sooner or later.
Matt Beswick is a digital consultant based in the UK, specialising in SEO, and also runs Pet365. Find him on Twitter @mattbeswick.

Blog Setup: 40 Practical Tips

Blog Setup: 40 Practical Tips

Blog Setup: 40 Practical Tips

One of our readers, Max Pool, was kind enough to send a guest post with 40 practical tips to setup and optimize your blog. All the tips are actually links to previously published articles on Daily Blog Tips. Enjoy!

WordPress Setup

  1. Do your homework first and read about others’ mistakes
  2. Choose a reliable web host
  3. Choose a good domain name
  4. If you need inspiration, check this list
  5. Register and keep your domain name with a registrar
  6. Always install WordPress in the root directory
  7. Update your ping list

Themes & Design

  1. Choose a professional theme
  2. Remove unnecessary information from your theme
  3. Add a favicon
  4. Place an RSS icon at the end of single posts
  5. Create a functional footer for your blog
  6. Organize your categories
  7. Optimize the “About” page
  8. Speed up your site

Check & Validate

  1. Make sure your blog works in different browsers
  2. Check the load time of your site
  3. Test the SEO aspects
  4. Validate your website
  5. Keep a maintenance checklist


  1. Install Akismet
  2. Install WordPress Database Backup
  3. Install Subscribe to Comments but leave it unchecked
  4. Install Chunk URLs
  5. Install Related Enteries and consider setting it to 3
  6. Install Custom Query String
  7. Install Jerome's Keywords
  8. Install sig2feed

SEO & Analytics

  1. Install Google Sitemap Generator
  2. Install Enforce www Preference
  3. Optimize your Meta Description Tag
  4. Setup an optimal URL structure
  5. Make category pages display excerpts
  6. Setup any needed 301 Redirects
  7. Create a robots.txt file (and here is a collection of different ones)
  8. Modify your title tag to be optimal
  9. Remove the hyperlink from the single post titles
  10. Offer email subscriptions
  11. Install the Feedburner Replacement plugin
  12. Add the Google Analytics plugi

20 SEO Terms You Should Know

20 SEO Terms You Should Know

If you have a website or blog, or if you work with anything related to the Internet, you’ll certainly need to know a bit about search engine optimization (SEO). A good way to get started is to familiarize yourself with the most common terms of the trade, and below you’ll find 20 of them. (For those who already know SEO, consider this post as a refresher!).
1. SEM: Stands for Search Engine Marketing, and as the name implies it involves marketing services or products via search engines. SEM is divided into two main pillars: SEO and PPC. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it is the practice of optimizing websites to make their pages appear in the organic search results. PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click, and it is the practice of purchasing clicks from search engines. The clicks come from sponsored listings in the search results.
2. Backlink: Also called inlink or simply link, it is an hyperlink on another website pointing back to your own website. Backlinks are important for SEO because they affect directly the PageRank of any web page, influencing its search rankings.
3. PageRank: PageRank is an algorithm that Google uses to estimate the relative important of pages around the web. The basic idea behind the algorithm is the fact that a link from page A to page B can be seen as a vote of trust from page A to page B. The higher the number of links (weighted to their value) to a page, therefore, the higher the probability that such page is important.
4. Linkbait: A linkbait is a piece of web content published on a website or blog with the goal of attracting as many backlinks as possible (in order to improve one’s search rankings). Usually it’s a written piece, but it can also be a video, a picture, a quiz or anything else. A classic example of linkbait are the “Top 10″ lists that tend to become popular on social bookmarking sites.
5. Link farm. A link farm is a group of websites where every website links to every other website, with the purpose of artificially increasing the PageRank of all the sites in the farm. This practice was effective in the early days of search engines, but today they are seeing as a spamming technique (and thus can get you penalized).
6. Anchor text: The anchor text of a backlink is the text that is clickable on the web page. Having keyword rich anchor texts help with SEO because Google will associate these keywords with the content of your website. If you have a weight loss blog, for instance, it would help your search rankings if some of your backlinks had “weight loss” as their anchor texts.
7. NoFollow: The nofollow is a link attribute used by website owners to signal to Google that they don’t endorse the website they are linking to. This can happen either when the link is created by the users themselves (e.g., blog comments), or when the link was paid for (e.g., sponsors and advertisers). When Google sees the nofollow attribute it will basically not count that link for the PageRank and search algorithms.
8. Link Sculpting: By using the nofollow attribute strategically webmasters were able to channel the flow of PageRank within their websites, thus increasing the search rankings of desired pages. This practice is no longer effective as Google recently change how it handles the nofollow attribute.
9. Title Tag: The title tag is literally the title of a web page, and it’s one of the most important factors inside Google’s search algorithm. Ideally your title tag should be unique and contain the main keywords of your page. You can see the title tag of any web page on top of the browser while navigating it.
10. Meta Tags: Like the title tag, meta tags are used to give search engines more information regarding the content of your pages. The meta tags are placed inside the HEAD section of your HTML code, and thus are not visible to human visitors.
11. Search Algorithm: Google’s search algorithm is used to find the most relevant web pages for any search query. The algorithm considers over 200 factors (according to Google itself), including the PageRank value, the title tag, the meta tags, the content of the website, the age of the domain and so on.
12. SERP: Stands for Search Engine Results Page. It’s basically the page you’ll get when you search for a specific keyword on Google or on other search engines. The amount of search traffic your website will receive depends on the rankings it will have inside the SERPs.
13. Sandbox: Google basically has a separate index, the sandbox, where it places all newly discovered websites. When websites are on the sandbox, they won’t appear in the search results for normal search queries. Once Google verifies that the website is legitimate, it will move it out of the sandbox and into the main index.
14. Keyword Density: To find the keyword density of any particular page you just need to divide the number of times that keyword is used by the total number of words in the page. Keyword density used to be an important SEO factor, as the early algorithms placed a heavy emphasis on it. This is not the case anymore.
15. Keyword Stuffing: Since keyword density was an important factor on the early search algorithms, webmasters started to game the system by artificially inflating the keyword density inside their websites. This is called keyword stuffing. These days this practice won’t help you, and it can also get you penalized.
16. Cloaking. This technique involves making the same web page show different content to search engines and to human visitors. The purpose is to get the page ranked for specific keywords, and then use the incoming traffic to promote unrelated products or services. This practice is considering spamming and can get you penalized (if not banned) on most search engines.
17. Web Crawler: Also called search bot or spider, it’s a computer program that browses the web on behalf of search engines, trying to discover new links and new pages. This is the first step on the indexation process.
18. Duplicate Content: Duplicate content generally refers to substantive blocks of content within or across domains that either completely match other content or are appreciably similar. You should avoid having duplicate content on your website because it can get you penalized.
19. Canonical URL: Canonicalization is a process for converting data that has more than one possible representation into a “standard” canonical representation. A canonical URL, therefore, is the standard URL for accessing a specific page within your website. For instance, the canonical version of your domain might be instead of
20. Robots.txt: This is nothing more than a file, placed in the root of the domain, that is used to inform search bots about the structure of the website. For instance, via the robots.txt file it’s possible to block specific search robots and to restrict the access to specific folders of section inside the website.

Blog Project: 30 Traffic Generation Tips

Blog Project: 30 Traffic Generation Tips

First of all a big “thank you” for every one who participated. As I said before the number of entries surprised me (and the quality as well, I will definitely apply some of those tips myself).
Now, without further delay, the 30 Traffic Generation Tips:
1. Sridhar Katakam
Keep track of blogs and leave comments on them. A good way to keep the conversation going is to install a MyBlogLog widget and visit the blog of people visiting your site.
2. Ian Delaney
Nothing creates long-term traffic more than value. Consider writing posts with resources or explaining how things work. Useful things get linked to and they get onto, which is far better long-term than a digg front page.
3. Scott Townsend
Inform search engines and aggregators like Technorati (using the ping functionality) when your blog is updated, this should ensure maximum traffic coming from those sources. (check the List of Ping Services)
4. Kyle
Simplify. Pay attention to complex issues in your field of work. It may be a big long publication that is hard to wade through or a concept that is hard to grasp. Reference it and make a shorter “for dummies” version with your own lessons learned and relevant tips. When doing this, I have been surprised to find that the simplified post will appear before the more complex version in search results. Perhaps this is why it results in increased traffic; people looking for more help or clarification on the subject will land on your blog.
5. Grant Gerver
Try to be polemic. I write obsessively about all-things political from the left-wing perspective in the form of humorous, sarcastic one-liners.
6. Daniel
A simple tip that will probably boost your page views: install a translator plugin. I decided to use a paid plugin for this, but if I am not wrong there are some free ones as well. The translation is not very good, as you can imagine, but it helps to attract readers that are not fluent in English.
7. Rory
Submit articles to blog carnivals ( that are related to your niche. Your article almost always gets posted, and it must generate a handful of visitors, at least.
8. Ramen Junkie
Newsgroups. I always see a spike when I post a review to a newsgroup.
9. Eric Atkins
Create a new design for your website. Not only will it be more attractive to your regular readers, but you can submit it to some CSS gallery showcase sites that feature great designs. This will give you exposure on those sites while generating a lot of traffic and backlinks from those types of sites.
10. Megan Taylor
Participate in conversations on related blogs. Start conversations on your own blog. Don’t just post about a story and leave it at that, engage your audience, ask questions and call to action.
11. Guido
Comment on blogs, write useful content and make good friends on forums.
12. Brian Auer
You must be active to generate traffic. I post comments on other blogs that are related to mine, and I post my site link in my signature at the forums. Spread the word about your blog and it will certainly attract readers.
13. Shankar Ganesh
Just browse around and you will surely get visitors to your blog. Also try to join as many communities as possible that are related to your topic.
14. Andrew Timberlake
A great tip for generating traffic is off-line by including your url in all your off-line liturature from business cards, letterheads, pamphlets, adverts through in-store signage if applicable. I even have our website on my vehicle.
15. Cory OBrien
Read lots of other blogs. Leave trackbacks. Make sure your blog is optimized for search engines. Leverage social bookmarking sites like digg (both for new ideas and for traffic).
16. Jester
Leave comments on other blogs. If you’re already reading them, it takes
just a couple of seconds to leave a message agreeing or disagreeing
with the author, you get to leave a link to your site, and you will almost
ALWAYS get traffic from your comments.
17. Goerge Manty
Post 3-5 times a day. Use ping services like pingomatic or set up wordpress to ping some of the ping services. Engage your readers. Put up polls, ask them questions, give them quizes, free tools, etc. Make them want to come back and tell their friends about you.
18. Engtech
Community. It’s one word but it is the most important one when it comes to blogging. The only “blog metric” that makes sense is the vibrant community of readers it has. Building a community around your blog will bring you increased traffic, but how do you start? The boilerplate response to building traffic is always “SEO, social networking sites, and commenting on blogs” but it can be simplified to “be part of a community”. The easiest way to seed your blog is with an already existing community. But the only way to do that is to be part of the community yourself.
19. Chris
Squidoo Lenses are a good way to generate traffic. By using a lense,
you can generate your own custom “community” of webpages, including some
of the more popular pages in your “neighborhood.” Including your own
webpage in such a list is a good way of generating traffic.
20. Splork
I’ve had good success writing articles and submitting them to EzineArticles. Articles that have been written from well-researched keyword phrases and accepted by EzineArticles tend to rank very high in Google for that search term. Placing anchor text in the footer of those articles so the reader can visit my relevant website has always increased my site traffic.
21. Jen Gordon
I came upon some unexpected traffic when my blog popped up on some css design portals like and If you can put some time into the concept behind and design for your blog, I’d recommend submitting your site to a design portal not only for
additional traffic but to build an additional community around your site.
22. Kat
I’ve recently gotten involved with several “MySpace-like” community sites that focus on my target audience. I share my thoughts in their forums, post intros to my real blog on their system blog and I’ve even created a group for my specific niche. It’s been very, very successful for me.
23. Inspirationbit
Well, obviously everyone knows that social bookmarking sites like Digg,, etc. bring lots of traffic. But I’m now submitting some of my articles to (a digg like site for bloggers), and I always get not a bad traffic from there.
24. Mark Alves
Participate in Yahoo Answers and LinkedIn Answers where you can demonstrate your expertise, get associated with relevant keywords and put your URL out there.
25. Tillerman
Be the first to write a post about the ‘Top Ten Blogs’ in your niche. The post will rank highly in any general search for blogs in your niche and other bloggers in your niche write about the post and link to it.
26. Nick
Participating in forums is a great way to get loyal readers. Either link baiting people in your signature or posting great advice and tips will give you high quality traffic, which will result in return visitors.
27. Brandon Wood
A simple trick I’ve used to increase traffic to my blog is participate in group writing projects. In fact, that’s what I’m doing right now.
28. Alan Thomas
Don’t forget your archives. I just posted a roundup of all interviews I did over the past seven months. One of them generated a new link and a big traffic spike from a group of users that look like they will be loyal readers now.
29. KWiz
Write something controversial. I don’t think it’s good to write something controversial just for the purpose of getting traffic necessarily (especially if it’s only for that purpose and you’re being disingenuous), but it works.
30. Dennis Coughlin
Find the best blogs on your niche and contact the authors. Introduce yourself and send a link of your blog. This might help them to discover your blog, read it and possibly link to it.

7 Ways to Promote your Site with a Bit of Money

7 Ways to Promote your Site with a Bit of Money

Some time ago I wrote an article titled “Are you marketing your blog?” where I argued that there is a myth around the Internet that bloggers and webmasters should not spend money on advertising. The myth comes in great extent from the success stories of people that managed to create popular websites without spending a dime on advertising or other paid promotion techniques.
The reality is that most of those successful websites were pioneers on their niche, hence why they became popular without spending money on advertising. Now a days the market is crowded and you have thousands of websites and blogs even for small segments. As a consequence paid promotional techniques are becoming an important factor of any successful marketing strategy.
Below you will find 7 ways to promote your website or blog with a bit of money. You can use them to generate raw traffic, improve your search engine rankings, gain visibility on your niche and so on. Despite the initial investment most of those techniques will pay off on the short to medium term. If you are expecting to make money with your website there is no reason to assume that you will not need to spend some as well, right?
1. AdWords: Google make billions of dollars every year from the AdWords-AdSense combo. Why is that? Because they work. Adwords is probably the most efficient method to generated raw traffic for your website. In order to get started you should create an account, add lots (by lots I mean hundreds if not thousands) of keywords that are related your site and set the maximum Pay-per-Click rate at $0.01. After that raise the rate by $0.01 every week or so until you start getting the desired amount of daily clicks. Notice that at lower bids the keywords will be reported as “Inactive for Search”. Do not worry about it, it just means that your ads will not appear on the search network (Google’s search results), but they will appear on the content network (websites of people that use AdSense).
2. Site-Specific AdWords: if you pay attention to the AdSense units you will see that most of them have a link titled “Advertise on this site”. This feature enables AdWords advertisers to create customized ads that will be displayed only on specific websites. Those ads work on a CPM (cost per 1000 impressions) rather than a CPC (cost per click) basis, but they can generate a good amount of very targeted traffic since you will be in control of where the ad will be displayed and of the message. You can get even better results if you use some creativity when designing the ads, click here for some examples.
3. StumbleUpon Ads: StumbleUpon is a very innovative social bookmarking site that allows users to discover great websites by using a browser toolbar. When the user clicks on “Stumble” he will be delivered a website that people with similar interested rated positively. The user is also able to give positive and negative ratings to any website that he visits on the Internet. StumbleUpon also offers advertising campaigns, called StumbleUpon Ads, where you can deliver your website directly to those “Stumblers”. It costs $0.05 per page delivered, but since the websites that appear on StumbleUpon usually have a high quality it is very likely that part of that paid traffic will convert into regular readers.
4. Text Link Ads: if you are trying to increase your search engine rankings to leverage organic traffic you should consider buying some text link ads. While those text links can also generate direct traffic the biggest benefit you will have is an improvement on your search rankings, specially if the links are placed on authoritative and relevant websites. There are several places to buy text links, including specialized companies like Text-Link-Ads and Text Link Brokers or online forums like Digital Point‘s market place.
5. Direct Banner Sales: most established websites sell banner ads or sponsorship plans directly. Those advertising deals usually are structured with weekly or monthly fees, regardless of the number of impressions or clicks that you will get. Despite this characteristic a banner placement can represent good value for money because apart from the direct traffic you will also create visibility and brand awareness. Readers of the website where you will display your banner will associate the message on the banner with your site or blog. Should they come across that banner or message two or three times it is very likely that they will get curious and decide to check what the buzz is all about. Another advantage of banner placements is the fact that people will unconsciously think that the author of the website endorses your content or product.
6. Sponsored Reviews: buying some sponsored reviews is a good way to kick-start a website. They will bring backlinks, traffic and RSS subscribers. There are many market studies confirming that “word of mouth” is the most efficient way to capture people’s attention, and that is just what you get with sponsored reviews. You can either pay a low price (sometimes as low as $5 per review) to get a large number of reviews from small sites or you can focus on large players (which can charge several hundreds of dollars for a single review) that are authorities on your niche. The best way to purchase sponsored reviews is through sites like, ReviewMe or
7. Blog Networks: there are several blog networks founded around a traffic exchange principle. Basically you create an account for you blog and you earn credits by surfing other members’ blogs. Afterwards you can use those credits to make people visit your blog or to display your banners around the network. The interesting part is that most of those blog networks allow users to purchase credits with money, and the price is really convenient. You should be able receive hundreds of visitors or to get thousands of banner impressions for less than 10 dollars. Some blog networks that sell credits include Blog Explosion, Blog Soldiers and Blog Advance.